Google AdSense: Do I need a PIN to Google AdSense?

When you accumulate 50.00 U.S. dollars of revenue, Google AdSense will send a personal identification number (PIN) from the payment address you provided when you sign up. This is only a security alert that Google AdSense is in place to protect their publishers, but it is important.

When you have an e-mail PIN, your account will be suspended payments until the PIN is included in your account. You can still access your account information and money, but will not be paid until the PIN is entered. If it is not included within 1 year of your account.

To enter a PIN after you receive mail, you can log in to your Google AdSense account. Click on the My Account tab, then click Edit. Updating the appropriate field and click the send changes. It would also be a good time to check your contact information and make sure it is correct. You are well on your way to receiving your first Google AdSense check.


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